Tim Tebow Foundation’s Creates Prom All Over the World for Special Needs Kids

Tim Tebow Foundation’s Creates Prom All Over the World for Special Needs Kids

Tebow's Prom Celebration event sees 90,000 attendees in its second year. In over 16 countries prom was happening on the same night. This Prom

Being Pro-Life is Much More Than Voting Against Abortion

Kasi Pruitt explains what being pro-life really means to her, and it is much more than just being against abortion. I am a mom

Program Helps Special Needs Mormons Complete Missionary Service

Program Helps Special Needs Mormons Complete Missionary Service

Young Church Service Missionary Program makes it possible for Mormons with special needs to serve others while staying close to home. In 2010, the

Jewish Special Needs Men and Women Receive Rite of Passage

Bar and bat mitzvahs made possible for students with cognitive disabilities. Conservative Judaism states that a boy and a girl attain bar mitzvah at