Rabbis Led a Pilgrimage to Protest Tornillo Migrant Children Detention Center

Rabbis Led a Pilgrimage to Protest Texas Migrant Children Detention Center

The children live under deplorable conditions in the migration camps. The Tornillo camp located in the remote region of the West Texas desert witnessed

President Trump Speaking

Meeting With Trump Cancelled by Jewish Groups

Reaction to President's Response to Hate Groups American Jews have once again made their displeasure towards Donald Trump known by not organizing the traditional

Jewish Leaders Demand Right to Pray at Western Wall

Leaders are demanding Netanyahu allow a prayer space for the non-Orthodox Jews at Western Wall. The Western Wall is located in the Old City

Rabbis Find Marijuana to be Kosher

via video screenshot NY Orthodox Rabbis certify medical marijuana as kosher. Medical marijuana or medical cannabis which is the use of cannabis and its

1,000 Rabbis Beg U.S. to Help Suffering Refugees

Rabbis from 46 states urge U.S. to accept refugees and not repeat mistakes from darker times About a 1,000 American rabbis have given their

Rabbinical College considers ordaining interfaith rabbis as Jewish intermarriages rise

Officials at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College may reconsider laws that prohibit admission or ordination to Jews in interfaith relationships. It’s a firm policy among