Faith and Interfaith by Hilary Canto

What do we mean by the term faith? We usually mean faith as belief or religion, but we have faith in each other, faith

World Religion Day Celebration January 20, 2019

Baha’is Celebrate World Religion Day on January 20, 2019

Celebrating the oneness of religion The World Religion Day, started traditionally by the Baha'i Faith, happens annually on the third Sunday of January.[/tweetit] As

Rio Olympics will Provide Multi-faith Spaces for Athletes to Encourage ‘Brotherhood Between Religions’

2016 Rio Olympics welcomes all religions with their prayer spaces. The Olympic Games sees one of the biggest gatherings of people from all over

Mormons Invite Muslims to Pray At Their Church

A Mormon church in Australia is receiving praise after a photo of a Muslim man praying in their church goes viral. A Mormon church