Security Jewish Holidays

High Security on Jewish High Holidays

Anti-Semitism is at its peak This year, the Jewish High Holidays are like none that have been before. The holidays, featuring Rosh Hashanah last

After Bomb Threats Florida Allocates $654,000 to Protect Jewish Schools

Florida approves budget for security at Jewish schools, but not without protest from the community. Florida lawmakers are under attack for passing a legislation

Police Arrest Israeli Jewish Teen over Bomb Threats to US Jewish Centers

Jewish teen used sophisticated technology to mask his bomb threats to U.S. JCCs. Michael Kaydar, an 18-year-old man supposedly living in Ashkelon, a city

Former Reporter Arrested in Connection to Bomb Threats to Jewish Organizations

Former journalist arrested for making threats to JCC's to frame his ex-girlfriend. A former reporter has been arrested for at least eight bomb threats

JCC’s Hit with Fourth Wave of Bomb Threats

JCCs across the country targeted for the fourth time in five weeks. Jewish community centers in America have been facing bomb threats for some

Jewish Community Centers Nationwide Face Third Wave of Bomb Threats

JCCs hit with bomb threats for the third time a month. In the month of January, Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) were threatened with bomb

Bomb Threats Reported at Multiple Jewish Centers Spread Throughout the U.S.

16 bomb threat calls were made to Jewish Community Centers across the U.S. Monday. Bomb threats had been reported on Monday at various Jewish