Prison Cell

Religion’s Role in the Wild West of Immorality and Irresponsibility by Charles Franklin

Right conduct is a spectrum of action. For many people justice is the most important point on the spectrum. Justice is the society taking


Religious News From Around the Web July 27, 2020

Biden Would Revoke Muslim Ban, Virtual Chaplains Help Oncology Patients, Dangerous Shinto Celebrations, Jewish History in Europe, Latest Supreme Court Ruling Goes Against Church,

Religious News From Around the Web May 25, 2020

Holy Water Squirting, DOJ: Lockdown Violates Religious Freedom, Church Closures Illegal, Quoting Bible Illegal? Virus Closes Church Again, Separation of Church and State, Ramadan

Religious News From Around the Web April 20, 2020

Easter Bathtub Broadcast, Virus Unites Church, Bible in Politics? Religions “Nonessential,” SCOTUS Religious Cases by Telephone, Zoom-Bombing, Atheists Win School Prayer Suit, Dalai Lama

Holy Bible

What Happened at the Council of Nicaea? by By L. Arik Greenberg

I often hear people speak in hushed and conspiratorial tones — as if they were divulging a well-guarded secret — about how the Catholic

St Mary and Eanswythe, Folkestone photo by Chris Whippet, CC

Religious News from Around the Web March 9, 2020

Largest Buddhist Temples, Bible in Sign Language, Muslim Thanks Sikhs, Quebec Bans Religious Symbols, Beautiful Nigerian Churches, Lutheran Students Drive Tractors to School, Douglas

Religious News From Around the Web March 2, 2020

Biblical Plague, Give up Phones for Lent?, Minister Farrakhan, Thich Quang Do, SCOTUS to hear Catholic Foster Case, Boko Haram, Coronavirus and Hajj Give

Politics, Religion and the Principled Life

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch,” said Benjamin Franklin. Democracies had failed in the past, blown

Is Iran the Eternal Enemy of the West? By L. Arik Greenberg, Ph.D.

I grew up in the 1970s, when the U.S. first had overtly negative dealings with Iran. In 1953, we had helped to topple the

Islam and the Problem of Religious Stereotypes

So far, the United States has done a rather good job at including Muslims into society, and at differentiating the vast majority of followers