Palm Sunday is observed as the last Sunday of Lent to mark the beginning of Holy Week.
Christians all over the globe celebrate the Palm Sunday in commemoration of the triumphant arrival of Christ Jesus in Jerusalem.
The Final Sunday of Lent: Palm Sunday[/tweetthis]
It was referred to as Palm Sunday because the faithful used the Palm fronds to welcome Christ arrival in Jerusalem. According to the scripture, the Bible tells that Jesus Christ entered the town of Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The faithful in Jerusalem city laid Palm fronds on the way to welcome Jesus as a sign of homage. It was a customary practice that was performed to honor people of great respect in the society.
To date, Christians still use the palm fronds in commemoration of the Palm Sunday. Palm branches are used to symbolize peace and victory. Jesus Christ used a donkey to enter Jerusalem instead of a horse. He used a donkey to symbolize his humble nature and peace arrival rather than using a horse that is often used during a war.
On his arrival at Jerusalem, there was a lot of conflict among the Jews who wanted to crucify him. Jesus went to Mount of Olives to pray on Wednesday, and he foresaw the coming of his death. Most of the Christians especially Catholics use red colors on Palm Sundays which symbolizes Jesus suffering and bloodshed.
On Thursday, Jesus returned to Jerusalem, and he had already predicted that he will be arrested and charged. On this Maundy Thursday shared the Last Supper with his disciples, and he was later betrayed by Judas as predicted.
Today is the fifth Sunday of Lent. Next Sunday will be palm Sunday. #MaineTheSLimeBeWithYou
— Pepe Alas (@Pepe_Alas) March 12, 2016
On Friday, which is popularly known as Good Friday, Jesus was arrested, tried and he was crucified on the same day. Christians observe this day by meditating about Jesus’ tribulations onthe cross. The Holy Saturday marks the last day that Jesus spent in the tomb before he could arise. On this day, Christians do not conduct services or read scriptures. The day is used to commemorate and remember the ones who have passed away and also to mourn the death of Jesus Christ.
Celebrations about Jesus Victory are conducted on Easter Monday which is the day which Jesus rose from the dead. During the Palm Sunday Mass, Palms are given to faithful who carry them in a ritual manner while they enter the church. The palms are blessed, and they are later collected to be cremated to produce ashes that are used to during the coming year’s Ash Wednesday.
Christians observe the Palm Sunday by wearing red and white to signify the salvation in the blood of Jesus Christ.