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Survey Says Over Half of British People Have No Religion

Over half the UK has no religion

Young People Lead

A newly released National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) survey finds that a large proportion of UK residents proclaim to be not affiliated to any religion[/tweetit]. More than 53 percent of respondents said that they do not belong to any kind of organized religion. This figure is a five percent increase from 2016. This non-religious proportion has risen slowly from the time the survey started on 1983. During that time, about 31 percent of the population said that they are not affiliated to any religious doctrine.

Survey Says Over Half of British People Have No Religion[/tweetthis]

The Church of England is particularly hit. Only 15 percent of respondents in the UK consider themselves Anglican. In 2000, only 7.5 percent expressed the same opinion. In contrast, the proportion of the British population who considered themselves Catholic remained roughly the same. One in 10 have identified themselves as Catholics. About one in 20 belong to non-Christian religions. The latter make up six percent of the population.

Young people have spearheaded the decline of religion in the British Isles. About 71 percent of respondents aged from 18 to 24 years old in 2016 said that they do not belong to any religion. In 2015, it was 62 percent. In fact, religion went on a decline in almost age groups from 2015 to 2016.

The only deviation is among the older people. Religion is firmly entrenched in this segment, with the percentage of people having no religious affiliation are minimal. About 40 percent of individuals in the 65 to 74 years age group say that they are not religious. This percentage dips to 27 for the demographic aged 75 years and older.

This survey also throws up the revelation that even people who described themselves as religious could not be knowledgeable about religion at all. Many so-called Christians do not believe in Resurrection of Jesus, meaning that they do not believe in the Christian religion.

It is no wonder British humanists are asking questions: if such a large number of individuals do not believe in God, is there any need for any official church? Why does the CoE continue to get funds from the UK Government? There is no logical justification to keep the CoE as a legal organization if so fewer number of people subscribe to its spiritual guidance. This state of affairs is a victory for any person who follow and champion rational thought.


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