President Criticized during Ministers March for Justice.
Reverend Jesse Jackson, the well-known activist for civil rights, came to Washington D.C. on September 4, to give an impassioned speech to the people who assembled for the 'Ministers March for Justice.’ The date is important as it was the 54th anniversary of the march undertaken by Martin Luther King Junior on Washington.
Who Said Donald Trump Will Not Get Into Heaven?[/tweetthis]
Reverend Jackson told attendees that he believes Jesus' kingdom will not accept U.S. President Donald Trump into its fold. The event was held by National Action Network. The latter through its website said that Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream is being undermined by the Trump administration and Department of Justice. The march, he said, is being done to confirm that religious leaders have recommitted to be at the front of civil rights and social justice. The said March will permit citizens to take part in the grassroots efforts to hold accountable Sessions-the present Attorney General for the civil rights of all people.
Reverend Jackson made his fiery comments in the presence of Reverend Al Sharpton, another veteran campaigner. The Trump administration has brought in the Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment or RAISE Act. Any potential immigrant will be allowed entry on a number of factors, including work qualifications and proficiency in English. This event brought in one place a number of ministers against Trump. Jackson pointed out that under the Trump qualification system, even Jesus Christ would be denied admittance to the United States of America.
The Reverend limited himself to spouting religious rhetoric by quoting from what Jesus taught on Judgment and Gospel of Matthew. He said those who provide food to the poor and clothe them are actually offering much needed sustenance to Christ himself. Reverend Sharpton chimed in, saying that it is not moral to take healthcare from the poor and the needy simply as one does not like Obama. He also said that it can be considered immoral to provide the rich the joy of tax cuts while most of the U.S. need jobs and infrastructure.
Jesse Jackson isn't qualified to enter any Jesus Kingdom. I think Trump will be entering God's Kingdom.
— Phillip Lee Dabney (@Phillip_Dabney) September 2, 2017
Reverend Jackson quoted Matthew to buttress his argument that Trump will not be allowed to enter heaven. The said verse said that Jesus told his followers that they should assist people who require it. Among the verses he mentioned Romans, that all people have sinned and thus are not automatically eligible to gain entry into heaven. He gave a warning to the president that he should not judge people as he himself will be judged.