Confessional Seal Breach, Sikhs Census, Vaccination Exemptions, Methodist Agree to Split, 50 Countries Suppressive to Christians, India’s CAA Turmoil, China Increases Social Control
Sikhs to be Counted as Separate Ethnic Group in 2020 US Census
Methodist Agreement on Terms of Separation
Representatives of the 13 million member United Methodist Church have proposed an agreement on the terms of separating the church around LGBTQ issues. The “Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace through Separation” will be taken up by the church in May.
Legislation Wrap
Top 50 Countries Where it’s Hardest to be Christian
Medal of Courage Awarded Church Protector
Jack Wilson, a church deacon and former reserve deputy and firearms instructor, stopped a shotgun-wielding gunman who killed two church members at the West Freeway Church of Christ near Fort Worth, Texas, last month. Wilson was awarded the first-ever Medal of Courage by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.
India’s Muslim Exclusion Creating Waves of Dissent
Recently, India passed a “Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) which allows illegal immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh to apply for citizenship in India, but it specifically excludes Muslims, triggering protests and clashes that have led to 23 deaths. But the protests have brought together millions of people from different faiths in defense of the pluralistic fabric of Indian society. The protests have also unsettled China, which worries that Muslim alienation over the CAA could trigger terrorism and separatist moves in Xinjiang, a Chinese province already in turmoil over Islamic demands for an independent East Turkestan in Xinjiang.
China’s “Social Score” System Used to Surveil, Control Behavior
Each citizen starts with 2,000 points and each time they do something of which the government disapproves, points are lost. Far from being some kind of school management system or video game, the social score system is coming to its own in China, and could be used for large-scale surveillance of religious groups. According to Open Doors, it is “a system of persecution for the future.” The Social Score System’s pieces are being put into pace and will be nationwide this year.