New Theory on the Yazilikaya Stone Carvings

New Theory on the Yazilikaya Stone Carvings

New Theory on the Yazilikaya Stone Carvings
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Archeologists believe they figured out what the 3,200 rock carvings represents

It is a human tendency to look up for the things which are long gone. We try to find the history of the things which leave their marks around us. We would want to know more about them in every possible way. These include a lot of things, for instance, places, people, and ideas. Since, places attract us more, because of the intricate design, art, and culture of it, Yazilikaya cannot be ignored.

New Theory on the Yazilikaya Stone Carvings[/tweetthis]

Hittite sanctuary of Yazilikaya is one of the places which has been capturing the attention of the archeologists for so long. The site holds significant importance as it is situated among the on a limestone outcrop as it depicts deities and symbols in rock carvings. Yazilikaya means “inscribed rock” and this is from where the mysterious stories have been building up.

Recently, archeologists have been working on the 3,200 rock carvings at Yazilikaya and have a new theory.

Since, the place is full of rock carvings, some of these carvings represent the Mesopotamian gods the Anunnaki. Conspiracy theorists believe the Anunnaki were aliens that landed on earth to mine the gold but had to leave because of the melting of Antarctic glaciers.

However, the new theory of the carvings found in Yazilikaya is it functions as a calendar with stone markers that moved back and forth to keep track of the time.

There are two groups of gods can be seen on the western wall, one group contains the 12, and the other contains 30. The eastern wall contains 17. However, it is argued by Dr. Zangger and colleague Rita Gautschy that there is a possibility of two more figures because of the gaps in the rock and engravings.

The numbers 30, 12, and 19 are significant in the sense that they represent the lunar cycle and passing months. The 30 deities were used to mark the days, 12 for the months on a 19-year cycle.


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