LDS said forced family separations are “aggressive and insensitive.”
Eric Hawkins, spokesman for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, issued a statement on June 18. Hawkins said forced separations are “aggressive and insensitive” and are harmful to children. The statement continues to say the LDS church has a public long-stated position concerning immigration reform. The church believes any immigration-related law must strengthen family bonds and keep all members of a family together.
LDS Condemn Trump’s Family Separations at US-Mexico Border[/tweetthis]
This statement by the LDS church was a long time coming. Many Mormons had wondered on public forums about the silence of their church after most other churches spoke out against such a draconian policy. A Twitter campaign was started to coax the LDS leaders to state church views. A few Mormons brought forward "The Family: A Proclamation to the World," a 1995 document as evidence of keeping families united as part of Mormon's sacred duty. The LDS proclamation warned that family disintegration would bring upon nations and communities the calamities prophesied by ancient and modern prophets. It went further on to say that the church asks government officers and responsible citizens to promote a measure which will not only maintain but also strengthen the family as a society's basic unit.
The statement by LDS church said forced separation of children from parents at the United States-Mexico border is without a doubt harmful for all members of the family, especially young children. The church is troubled by the insensitive and aggressive treatment meted out to these families by the Trump administration. The LDS went on further to accept that the church recognizes rights of all countries to enforce laws and secure their respective borders. The statement then proceeds to say that the church encouraged national leaders to undertake swift action to rectify this particular situation. The U.S. authorities should “seek for rational, compassionate solutions.”
Great to see official statements from the Mormons and the Catholics rejecting the family separation at the borders, we need more religious leaders, especially evangelicals leading here. https://t.co/VghLKWLegl
— Marc Hemeon (@hemeon) June 19, 2018
The LDS church is no stranger to crisis. It announced, “I Was a Stranger” – a name given to the Syrian refugee crisis. It encouraged individual members to search and assist refugees to present their respective local communities. Even in the first half of 2018, an official statement released by the church went on to support Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. It declared that Dreamers have amply demonstrated their capacities to make a positive contribution and serve society. They should be granted all opportunities to do so.