The state park was given to David’s Fork Baptist Church.
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin gave away the historic Boone Station State Historic Site[/tweetit] located in the southeast part of Fayette County. The gate was shut on the 46-acre park in January and the open area was given to David’s Fork Baptist Church without public input, notice, or comment.
Kentucky Governor Gives State Historic Site to Baptist Church for Free[/tweetthis]
Daniel Boone is the state’s famous pioneer and arguably America's first international celebrity. Boone helped to put together cabins and set up a stockade at the site in 1779 after his departure from Boonesborough. He was a resident of Boone station for about four years with other settlers. The property was designated a small park administered by the state in the 1990s. The present Boone Station has a large granite monument and two aged tobacco barns. The monument was erected in 1967 by Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). The site has pioneer graves that may contain Boone family members.
Leslie Miller, the state leader of DAR, expressed her sadness. She said the site is a historic one and extremely important to commonwealth history. She expressed her hope that the new owner or future owners will continue as before to honor the Boone State Park’s historical significance and will share the stories of early American patriots with the public. Similar views were shared by Foster Ockerman Jr., the Lexington History Museum president. He said his wish is to partner with the church in order to maintain at least a few areas of the property as a part of history. The church’s response is of uncertainty with Pastor Mickey Hyder confessing that leaders of the church have no idea what to do with the park.
@GovMattBevin You gave away a State Park? Boone Station State Historic Site? Seriously????
— Dave (@the1commish) January 31, 2019
Former employees of the site have fumed at the governor's decision. One of them is the Phil Gray, the former manager of the Fort Boonesborough State Park and Boone Station. He asked if all historic sites in Kentucky are “on the chopping block” since the government has no qualms giving away the historic Daniel Boone home. Gray pointed out that costs to the state for the park are almost negligible. The little money spent is due to the mowing contract and an electric bill.