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Teen in Foster Care Finds Guidance from Methodist Father Figure

Methodist Father Foster Teen

Quinton Lee seeks guidance from his Methodist father figure, Jarvis Adside.

As another Father’s Day has come and gone, it is important to remember that fathers can come in many forms. From the step-dads to relatives, a good man, contrary to some beliefs, may not be so hard to find after all. One example of an unusual father figure comes from the town of Macon, Georgia, where nineteen year old Quinton Lee has found a father in his friend and mentor Jarvis Adside. While they are only separated by five years of age, Jarvis has shown Quinton a degree of direction that has been absent throughout his life up until now.

Quinton Lee’s biological father left his family when he was only five years old, and though there have been some positive influences in his life, none have amounted to a true father figure like Jarvis Adside. Lee first met him when Adside became one of the counselors at the Methodist home that Lee has been housed in for years. Not only has he become a positive individual in terms of providing friendship, but Adside has become a true Methodist father figure. After all, the community at the children’s home is not only about providing everyday guidance, but also spiritual guidance.

Religious Guidance

As the presence and use of religion is consistently questioned in the modern world, it is becoming more and more important to remember that there is a great deal of social benefits offered by the church. In the case of Quinton Lee, he realizes that the odds of going down a path towards crime and similar trouble are much greater if you do not have a positive male figure. As his Methodist father figure, Jarvis has been able to provide answers to questions about life as well as providing spiritual enlightenment. While some may argue that an older, wiser individual should be guiding Lee and not someone a mere twenty-four years old, the Methodist Children’s Home director disagrees. Many young people are more likely to open up to authority figures about their problems and concerns if their situations are relatable. In the case of Lee and Adside, their close age has made it easier to understand the pressures on today’s youth, allowing the mentor to better assist with decisions and spiritual guidance.

Although it is difficult to replace one’s biological father with another father figure, the relationship has proved fruitful for both of the men. Lee has granted Adside incredible insight into the troubles of today’s at-risk youth, which will serve him as he continues to work at the children’s home. His ability to help Lee relate to the Bible’s message will serve him in times of spiritual crisis; allowing him to be a better, stronger man. The most important part of this relationship is that both men can continue to serve themselves and society by embracing their religion and one another.


Macon Telegraph

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