New Survey Finds Majority of People in Scotland Have No Religious Affiliation

New Survey Finds Majority of People in Scotland Have No Religious Affiliation

The hard hit Church of Scotland says it will be there for the people of Scotland in their hour of need. The largest faith

Christian Post Editors Warn Readers that “Trump is a Scam,” Taking Political Position for the First Time

The Christian Post Senior Editors asks its readers not to vote for Donald Trump. The Christian Post's senior editors have come out publicly in

Which Political Party do Religious Groups Typically Vote For?

How U.S. religious groups lean in politics. According to the Religious Landscape Study by Pew Research Center, The Republican party rests easy with Mormons

Examining the Religious Traditions of All 44 U.S. Presidents

Pew Research Center has compiled a list of the religions of U.S. Presidents throughout history. The U.S. Constitution has expressly forbidden any religious requirement

Least religious state

What is the Least Religious State in America?

New survey shows the least religious state in the U.S. According to the Gallup 2015 poll, New Hampshire contains the lowest number of religious

Religious boardgames

10 Board Games with a Christian Twist

10 Board Games for the Christian Family A lot of parents worry about the current games and toys available on the market especially on

51% of Americans Do Not Want an Atheist President

New Pew Research Center Survey on Faith and the 2016 Presidential Campaign GOP Candidates Seen As Religious – Except for Trump WASHINGTON, D.C. (Jan.

How To Create One Concept Of God We Can All Agree On

Reinventing the concept of God to apply to religious and nones alike. Believers of different faiths have their own notions about God or the

Christian Groups Are More Accepting of Homosexuality

Acceptance of homosexuality is rising in the Christian Community. Reports published by the Pew Research Center has stated that more U.S. Christians now support

A World Religion Holiday Season Calendar [Infographic]

Exclusively from! What Do World Religions Do During the Holiday Season? Discover what world religions do during the holiday season in this information-packed