Southern Baptist Seminary on reparative therapy: only through the Gospel can homosexuality can be fixed.
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and Association of Certified Biblical Counselors met this week to discuss ways in which people struggling with homosexuality and gender identity could be helped. The meeting that took place at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary located in Louisville amidst protests from various LGBT activist groups clearly agreed on a matter that “reparative” therapy clearly isn’t the way the “sins” of homosexuals can be fixed. The only way they could be changed is through the path of “wholeness and holiness.”
President of the Southern Baptist Seminary, Albert Mohler, condemned the reparative therapy also known as the “conversion therapy” that is used to try and make gays and lesbians straight. He believes the only way it can be taken care of and actually done is through divine intervention. Being gay or being lesbian is not a thing that can be changed with a flip of a switch, something that these therapies try to do, but it is only through God’s grace that such a change can be found in LGBT people.
Evangelical Leaders Say No To Therapy For LGBT.[/tweetthis]
God can change the lives of LGBTs
The thought behind reparative therapy trying to change sexual orientation of LGBTs had already caused a lot of controversy. As a result Oregon, New Jersey, California and District of Columbia specifically prohibited licensed therapists from trying to change gender identity and sexual orientation of minors. However, this prohibition does not apply to the group of Biblical Counselors as they are regarded as religious advisers and not therapists.
#LGBT people don't need to be 'fixed,' 'cured,' or shamed."These folks here are already OK with God," one…
— BrianAnthonyBowen (@TheBedKeeper) October 6, 2015
Total Insanity #2150g Reparative therapy criticized by Southern Baptist theologian (from @AP)
— chris tierney (@ChrisJtier) October 6, 2015
According to Mohler, “change” or “repair” in the ways of the LGBT people can only come through redemption. According to him, every person who is facing homosexuality due to anger, pride or attraction involving sexual feelings, is facing the similar kind of a fight. It is only through the gospel that a change can be made as it teaches one to desire things they didn't have a desire before and enable people to follow the Lord in obedience. When LGBT activists pointed out that even they can be faithful Christians, Mohler pointed out that great divide is between the two kinds of people, ones who think Christianity, which is faithful conforms to the Bible and others who don’t. The ones who don’t can never truly be faithful and obedient Christians.
During the meeting all speakers needed to be on the same page with the statement which rejects the thought “that a human being could also belong to a gender which is not the one which is dictated by the biological sex.”