‘Conquer Series’ Uses Disputed Science and a Unique Approach
Do you use internet porn too much? Are you a Christian man? Big fan of war movies? Then you are the target demographic for the Conquer Series.
Can Watching Military Videos Stop A Christian’s Porn Addiction?[/tweetthis]
The Conquer Series is a series of DVDs created by Dr. Ted Roberts, a pastor and former marine fighter pilot. The videos are an odd hybrid of low-budget action movie, recruitment advertisement, and small group therapy session. Each video uses military language and imagery to stop sex and internet porn addiction. With sections titled “the mission” and “strongholds of the enemy” the videos seem to be designed for men to talk about something embarrassing with the most masculine images that Dr. Roberts could create. With 68% of Christian men using internet porn on a regular basis, there seems to be some need.
The trailer for the film seems to work at some level. It won “best trailer” in the 2014 International Christian Film Festival, the largest Christian film festival in the world.
Dr. Roberts claims that the series has helped 50,000 men in 60 different countries, with over 90% success rate. He claims that the issue has to be seen as both a scientific issue and a moral one.
The problem might be that Dr. Roberts tries to use the scientific approach. He states that internet porn can be addictive, destroys marriage, and hurts being able to bond to other humans. These are commonly repeated by Christian organizations and individuals to speak of the dangers of internet porn.
The only problem is that best, the science is mixed on these conclusions, or may actually be misleading. First, the claim of internet porn being an addiction is a misnomer. It has not been officially labeled an addiction or mental disorder. This is because much of the evidence to support the idea of intern porn being an addiction is not scientifically sound enough to make the case. While there has been some data that reveals some connection between drug addiction and watching pornography, it is a false equivalency.
There is also no evidence that watching internet porn destroys any relationship. In fact, some studies have shown that watching porn can actually improve intimacy within romantic couples. The main issue is mistaking the symptom for the disease. While internet porn might be listed as a cause for divorce, usually it is part of other issues, not the use of porn itself. Dr. David J. Ley, who wrote “The Myth of Sex Addiction” states that sex addiction is a mistake and the Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST), which the Conqueror Series puts on their site, proves that everyone is a sex addict.
However, there are testimonials that say it works for certain groups. At $200 for the video set, and many supplemental products it is unclear how the company is arriving at their numbers.