Founded by Recovering from Religion, a nonprofit based in Kansas City, the crisis in faith hotline is now open.
The helpline, similar to others, is a line dedicated to giving 24/7 support to those with deep, unanswerable questions about their religion. Steve Harrington, the executive director of the International Association of Peer Specialists, has noticed a rise in similar groups.
Who can bind the wound of another as he who has felt the same wound himself?
-Thomas Jefferson
1-184-I-DOUBT-IT: Hotline for Faith Crisis
On Wednesday, the hotline volunteers, nearly 100 of them, were given training on how to field certain calls, as well as how to handle the calls they do need to take. Mark Tilbrook, a former Christian and the training leader for the night, encouraged ending calls from people attempting to convert them and sexualized callers as quickly as possible.
Sarah Morehead, the executive director of the hotline, says there is a lot of risk for those “reconsidering the role religion plays in their lives, they risk losing their families, their spouses, their jobs.” She went on to say, “These people are isolated, excluded, shunned. It rocks these people to the bottom of their heart. It is heartbreaking.” The phone calls are kept completely confidential. The hotline doesn’t have a physical location, instead it’s a private and protected line that connects them.
The volunteers were trained to keep the attention on the caller, as well as not giving advice. They ask questions, but they never provide answers or promises. They want to let the caller reach their own answers. For example, they may ask about your beliefs, and provide some different congregations that line up with those ideals. They do not encourage atheism, or any other religion. If you’re struggling with your beliefs, you can give them a call any time.