Evangelical leaders from all 50 States sign a letter against Trump’s immigration Ban
Over 500 evangelical leaders and pastors have signed a letter against the President’s immigration ban.[/tweetit]
The signed letter was published in the form of a full-page advertisement in the Wednesday issue of The Washington Post. There are several points in the letter mentioning the role of local churches in assisting refugees and helping them settle in the U.S. The leaders used the letter to emphasize the importance of welcoming refugees as part of Christian duty.
Over 500 Evangelical Leaders Sign Letter Against Trump’s Immigration Order[/tweetthis]
The religious leaders’ letter states Christians have a call to help the suffering; a call that was presented almost 2,000 years ago, adding that this call could not be ignored now.
However, there are differences within the Christian community concerning the issue. Despite many conservative Christian leaders agreeing on the Christian message of being kind to the stranger, there are those who are afraid of letting in refugees.
This presents itself as a challenge to many Christian leaders, who are rallying for the cause of refugees and immigrants.
The letter signing was organized by World Relief, the National Association of Evangelicals humanitarian wing. It is also one of the nine voluntary agencies involved with the federal government in helping refugees resettle.
The agency had procured signatures from many evangelical leaders, who are generally known to keep away from political matters. In fact, some of these leaders refer to themselves as conservatives. This includes leaders such as Max Lucado, a Christian author and Tim and Kathy Keller of New York’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
"500-plus evangelical pastors send Trump letter denouncing refugee ban" – https://t.co/Cqqt1EbKFw
— Craig Rozniecki (@CraigRozniecki) February 9, 2017
Lynne Hybels, one of the evangelical leaders who signed the letter, stated that the refugee crisis was a political issue for some. However, for her, she added that it was simply a matter of obedience and worship to God. She also stated that God’s kingdom was global.
President Donald Trump’s ban prevents refugees and immigrants from entering the U.S. However, it only applies to seven Muslim-dominated nations. This includes Syria; a war devastated nation from which citizens have begun to flee, seeking refuge elsewhere.
However, the President’s order still hasn’t been upheld definitely because of the many legal issues associated with it. Just last week, it was blocked by a federal judge, who ensured that it could not be applied throughout the country.