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Franklin Graham Goes on a Rant Over Transgender Bathroom Order

By Cornstalker (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Cornstalker (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
By Cornstalker (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Franklin Graham’s anti-LGBT Facebook rant on Obama’s bathroom directive declares him the “sultan of Washington.”

Last Friday, the Obama administration directed public schools across the nation to permit transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity, via a directive. The directive generated the ire of a lot of prominent politicians and religious leaders. One of the top critics of the directive has been Franklin Graham, a Christian evangelist and missionary.

Franklin Graham Goes on a Rant Over Transgender Bathroom Order[/tweetthis]

The CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and the president of the international Christian relief organization, Samaritan's Purse, took to Facebook to strongly rebuke the Obama administration's Transgender Bathroom directive.

Through his Facebook post, he asked whether Obama considers himself as the sultan of Washington who thinks that he could just make any decree and the whole nation would bow down and simply obey. He accused Obama as a man who has no fear of God, God who made human beings as male and female. The President threatens loss of funding and lawsuits from the federal government against those schools that fail to comply the directive. Graham asks what about the privacy and protection of the other students? He says that the directive would only help to open up the bathrooms to perverts and sexual predators.

Graham says that a directive does not carry the force of law. He is calling all the school districts across the nation to openly defy the Obama directive.

According to Graham, the Obama directive is a radical progressive agenda of President Obama and his administration in promoting and advancing the sin of homosexuality and the LGBT agenda.

The Obama directive has been under development for months. As per the statement released by the White House, President Obama has been kept apprised with the development of the progress of the decree, and the guidance in itself is broadly consistent with his values. Other than that, the White House has not said anything about the role of Obama in the development and the release of the decree.

Graham asks his followers whether they would take a bullet rather than compromising their beliefs and principles. He is calling every Christian to stand firm and not bow down to the increasingly godless culture that they live in, even in the face of criticisms, discrimination, and labeled intolerance.

The Evangelist's strong anti-LGBT views in the recent years saw him blasting a fan movement to give the animated character Elsa a girlfriend in Disney’s sequel to Frozen and rebuking Bruce Springsteen for canceling a concert to protest against an anti-LGBT law.


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