WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ — The vigil will be on Wednesday, November 12, at 7:00 P.M. on Pennsylvania Ave. NW across from Lafayette Park.
It is critical that Christian and Muslim voices stand together in solidarity to condemn the violence of ISIS and encourage the Obama Administration to ensure religious minorities, women and children are being helped and protected.
Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, D.C. states,
“It is imperative that the global community stand up and with a loud voice and condemn the violence of ISIS against religious minorities, women and children. We cannot be silent when it comes to this brutality and barbarism. We cannot be indifferent.
“It is especially critical that Christians and Muslims unite in one voice to condemn the violence and let those who are being impacted by ISIS know that they are not not alone and we have not forgotten them.
“As a Christian, I have been called to pray and work for peace and reach out with mercy and compassion to those who are suffering, wounded and broken throughout the world.
“Holding this candlelight vigil is a positive step for our two communities to come together and send a powerful message to the world and the Obama Administration that we are united in our condemnation of violence.”
Kris Keating, Founder of Hillside Missions and Director of World Horizons USA states;
“I am saddened by the continued violence perpetrated by ISIS on so many people who have lost everything, and I am glad to be able to stand in solidarity and add my prayers to those of so many other specifically for these women who are experiencing such horrific abuse.”
Saba Ahmed, of the Republican Muslim Coalition states;
“According to the teachings of Islam, Muslim soldiers are strictly forbidden from harming innocent children, the elderly, and women. Not only is it forbidden for them to kill women, but also they may not harm or violate women in any way whatsoever. (Abu Bakr Siddiq, First Islamic Caliph instructions to his Army)
“It is our job as Muslims to hold our leaders accountable and stop them from committing evil crimes. ISIS is hurting Islam, Muslims, Christians, women and children to the detriment of humanity. Allah’s cause is peace, security and justice. Success only comes with humility before God and applying justice. I urge Mr. Al-Baghdadi to read the Quran and Sunnah, teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that advocate for peace and justice. Allah hates arrogant tyrants, Islam needs peacemakers not militants.
“Christians are nearest in affection to Muslims (5:82) and we must work together to establish divine justice on earth.”
Susannah Boyed, spokesperson for Hillside Missions states;
“The degree to which ISIS has terrorized Iraqi communities in a relatively short amount of time follows a patter of terrorism in the middle east that has become all too familiar. The specifically horrific crimes against women and children are shocking and heartbreaking. Inaction is inhumane and will only fuel this nightmare. We must speak up for those whose voices are being silenced. As a Christian, I am compelled to both pray for peace and call for a global response that reflects fervent compassion for our neighbors in a moment of great need.”
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