For Evangelicals it has become a question of which is the worse sin. Abortion or Racism?
Evangelical Christians who oppose abortion have always had to work hard to find ways to reduce the number of procedures that were performed in the United States, especially since Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling in 1973.
Abortion or Racism? Evangelicals on Which Sin is Worse[/tweetthis]
As such, abortion has been the most important issue to Christians at election time.
But as Thabiti Anyabwile wrote for The Gospel Coalition, “Then came Trump.”
Many who support candidates other than Donald Trump once thought that his candidacy was a joke of sorts, a ruse. Television worthy of DVRing.
But now that Trump is the presumptive Republican candidate, and since the evangelical Christian population is nearly 25 percent non-white, abortion might take a back seat to Trump’s polarizing viewpoints on race.
Furthermore, Christians have found other ways to reduce the abortion rate, which have proven more successful than automatically clicking the Republican candidate. For example, working in pregnancy centers to interact with women considering abortions. This might allow anti-abortion Christians to vote for a non-GOP candidate who better represents their views on race relations both here and abroad.
Former faith adviser for the Rubio campaign, Eric Teetsel, also made strong points last week outside a conference in which Trump spoke to a group of conservative evangelical leaders. He held up signs with lines such as “Racism is not pro-life” and “Misogyny is not pro-life.”
If you believe abortion is morally wrong, can you vote for a pro-choice candidate? Yes, say some evangelicals
— Kelsey Dallas (@kelsey_dallas) June 28, 2016
He noted that evangelical Christians are missing an important point if they don’t see that abortion rights and racism violate “the same principle, that every human is created in the image of God.”
He went on to tell the Washington Post that we shouldn’t kill human lives in the womb just like we shouldn’t hate people for the color of their skin. It is a logic and consistency that younger Americans and others are “really yearning for,” Teetsel said.