Jeremy Lin Spoke To Media About The Importance Of Evangelicalism
Brooklyn Nets point guard Jeremy Lin has always been outspoken about his faith. The player has gone on multiple missions, speaking out around the world about the importance of Christianity.
NBA Player Jeremy Lin Worries About Your Soul[/tweetthis]
But this is the first time he has ever expressed being scared. Speaking to the media recently, Lin talked about the “urgency of evangelism” because many people are “lost souls.” He made the statement when he was announcing he will become a “radical steward” in the next year. When asked what he meant, he described using his celebrity status to spread the Gospel and try to save the souls of those he believes will be condemned to eternal damnation.
Lin has also spoken out about how the NBA has been a great space for athletes to talk about their faith, in particular, Christianity. Many teams attend church together before games, and almost every superstar is a devout Christian of some denomination. Lin gained fame in the league after a series of tremendous games while playing for the New York Knicks. Injuries have plagued his career as Lin has bounced around to several different teams.
Recently, Jeremy Lin went to Thailand with pastor Eugene Cho to highlight the dangers of sex trafficking. This may be part of the evangelicalism that Lin is referring to.