Muslim Teen Campaigning for Hijab Emojis

Muslim Teen Campaigning for Hijab Emojis

The Hijab emoji has been proposed by a 15-year-old Saudi girl hoping for characters that represent her and Read More

Why are Religious 'Nones' Increasing in America?

Why are Religious ‘Nones’ Increasing in America?

Research indicates a possibility that people identify themselves as religious 'nones' because they perceive it to be socially Read More

Religion in America Valued at Over $1 Trillion Dollars…

The study findings point to American religion as having one of the world's biggest economic turnovers annually. If Read More

Jalsa Salana

Jalsa Salana Muslim Convention Highlights Positive Contributions to Society

Jalsa Salana U.S.A. National Islamic Convention: promoting spirituality and peace News reports of multiple tragic incidents of violence Read More