Aliens: The New American Religion?

Aliens: The New American Religion?

35 percent of Americans believe in the existence of aliens For Americans, the year 2019 is an excellent time to believe in extraterrestrial life.

The Religious Beliefs of Jeff Bezos Remain a Mystery

The Religious Beliefs of Jeff Bezos Remain a Mystery

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos may have been raised as Catholic. The world media spotlight has fallen on the break-up of Jeff Bezos' marriage with

Salt Lake City Scientology Church Grand Opening

Scientology Is Adding Mega-Churches Two At A Time

At a time when PEW Internet data says religious “nones” status is growing and many religions, the Catholics included, are shuttering Churches due to

ADL to Take on Cyberhate with New Silicon Valley Center

ADL open Silicon Valley center to combat cyberhate Jonathan Greenblatt, the Chief Executive Officer of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) made an announcement that his organization