Joseph Preville Peter OBrien

Is the Muslim Culture Being Embraced in Europe? [Interview]

Peter O’Brien dissects the debated topics of headscarves, terrorism, secularism and intra-European tensions in his new book The Muslim Question in Europe. Written by

51% of Americans Do Not Want an Atheist President

New Pew Research Center Survey on Faith and the 2016 Presidential Campaign GOP Candidates Seen As Religious – Except for Trump WASHINGTON, D.C. (Jan.

Imam invites Trump to America’s Oldest Mosque

Trump invited to discuss his plans and philosophy at Mother Mosque of America. Donald Trump was invited by Taha Tawil to, the Imam of

Muslims in America

No, Seriously, How Many Muslims Are in America?

New figures from the Pew Research Center indicate the proportion of Muslims living in the United States. An estimate made by Pew Research Center

Another Study Confirms Christianity is Fading in America

Christianity is still the majority religion in America, but it continues to decline in popularity. A recent Gallup poll has revealed that one among

Christian Groups Are More Accepting of Homosexuality

Acceptance of homosexuality is rising in the Christian Community. Reports published by the Pew Research Center has stated that more U.S. Christians now support

Muslim Americans More Likely to Reject Violence Over Others in the U.S.

U.S. Muslims are more tolerant and against violence than most Americans. Political candidates like Donald Trump are pushing for Muslim American profiling and the

Christmas in America

Five Facts About Christmas in America

Christian or Not; Christmas is a time for friends and family. Whatever the debates are at this moment, one thing is a certainty: Christmas

Only 40% of Millennials Say Christmas Has Religious Significance

Millennials are more Humanist than religious. In a 2013 survey by Pew Research Center, nine out of a total of ten Millennials claim to

How the Churches are Addressing Transgender Issues

Religious institutions are now formally addressing the issue of transgender people participating in religion. Religious institutions are now formally addressing the issue of transgender