Religious News From Around the Web March 16, 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus, Faith Goes Virtual, Celebrated Religious Gatherings, Health-Care Sharing Ministries, China Tightens Control of Religion California Says Health Care Sharing Ministries “Misleading” The

Image by Gerd Altmann

Identity and Religion: The War Against the Spirit

Who are you? What is your identity? Are you your name, your family, your car, your bank account, the language you speak or the

The Missionary Who Became a Superhero By Randolph Dobbs

There must be some kind of missionary muscle some people develop during the course of their religious service. Nayyereh Aminian would become a virtual

Pastafarians and the Jesters

To become a Catholic Priest or a Jewish Rabbi requires years of training and study. To become a Buddhist Monk one must give up

Russian Evangelicals Are the Most Penalized Under Russia’s Anti-Missionary Law

Russian Evangelicals Are the Most Penalized Under Russia’s Anti-Missionary Law

Fines are 5,000-50,000 rubles After Moscow banned Jehovah's Witnesses, the next on the line to be under the Russian scrutiny lens are the evangelical

Why A Hindu Man Left Brooklyn to Start A Cow Sanctuary in Pennsylvania

Why A Hindu Man Left Brooklyn to Start A Cow Sanctuary in Pennsylvania

Balancing the world's karma Sankar Sastri is undertaking a great effort in hopes that he will be making the world a better place than

Satanist Charged for Trespassing and Resisting Arresting After Prayer Protest at Government Meeting

Satanist Found Guilty of Resisting Arrest and Trespassing While Protesting Government Prayer

Suhor is a known church-state separation champion. David Suhor, an activist of separation between church and state, was charged on counts of trespassing and

Dhanu Sankranti

The Hindu Celebration of Dhanu Sankranti

Offerings of water and flowers to the sun god Dhanu Sankranti is a holiday celebrated in Indian mythology.[/tweetit] It is also known as Dhanu

“FaithLeaks” and the New Deprogrammers

Bigotry has moved from kidnapping and physical assault to flooding the internet and media with vicious lies calculated to destroy the reputation of religions,

Faith in Recovery Pt. 8

Faith in Recovery Pt. 8: 10 Celebrities Who Used Religion to Beat Drug Addiction

The battle that celebrities have with addiction is well-known. The path to recovery is varied, but several notable celebrities have used their faith as