United Methodist Women Announce 2018 Conference Theme – “The Power of Bold”

United Methodist Women 2018 assembly theme is inspired by Mary -“The Power of Bold”

Methodist women will be gathering in Columbus, Ohio in May 2018 to rediscover what it means to be a strong Methodist woman in today’s world of challenges by drawing inspiration from none other than Mary herself. The theme for this conference has been announced to be “The Power of Bold.” This meeting will be all about how Methodist women can break all stereotypes and be strong women who usher in progress and development in society.

United Methodist Women Announce 2018 Conference Theme – “The Power of Bold”[/tweetthis]

The female Methodist organization, United Methodist Women will be gathering at the same spot as they had in the year 1942. 2018’s gathering will not only be about learning how Methodist women can go out in the world and make a difference, but also a celebration of the organization’s 150th anniversary. The organization has a proud history of being involved in social work, such as sending a woman doctor and a woman teacher to India back in 1869. Harriett J. Olson, the chief executive officer of the United Methodist Women says that the group was founded on principles drawn from the missionary life of Jesus Christ himself. Olson adds that the women on the organization have claimed this missionary zeal for themselves and strive hard to work towards unfolding it in society.

The last gathering took place in 2014 and saw a turnout of around 6,000 Methodist women. The theme that year was “Making it Happen.” The theme was inspired by the feeding of the multitude by Christ with just two loaves of bread and five fish. The theme was meant to inspire women to rekindle their faith with the hope that faith can make all things possible.

This year, the theme has been inspired by the Virgin Mary, who was bold enough to accept the decision of God to become a mother to a child even though she was untouched by any man. This “yes” that she said was a very bold thing to do for a young girl at a time when religious conservatism was at its peak in Jewish society. It was this “yes” that completely changed the course of history forever.

The aim of this year’s gathering will be to inspire Methodist women with a missionary zeal to be bold and go out, being heralds of Christ’s message of self-sacrifice and social service. The 2018 meeting is set to be attended by 8,000 women, all who have been doing their bit to fight against inequality, economic injustice, destruction of nature and other social issues.


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