Only 53% of Americans are Confident in Religious Leaders

Only 53% of Americans are Confident in Religious Leaders

Only 53% of Americans are Confident in Religious Leaders

New research indicates only half of Americans have confidence in religious leaders.

“In God We Trust.”

Although America is deeply grounded in this exclamation of faith, only half of Americans strongly trust in religious leaders. Pew Research Center released the findings of a new study conducted to find how much trust Americans have in leaders and pioneers of various kinds. Statistics show Americans trust scientists, medical scientists and the military forces; On the other end of the spectrum, businessmen, politicians and the media are the least trusted by Americans. Overall trust in religious leaders stands at 53 percent.

Only 53% of Americans are Confident in Religious Leaders[/tweetthis]

Respondents of the research had four options to indicate their level of trust in each of the groups: A great deal, a fair amount, not too much, no confidence. 13 percent said they had a great deal of confidence in religious leaders, 39 percent said they had a fair amount of trust, 32 percent said they had not too much confidence and 14 percent said they had no confidence at all. In all, a little more than half Americans still believe religious leaders work in the best interest of the public.

Of the number that said they have confidence in their religious leaders, 64 percent who are affiliated to an organized religion said they have a fair amount of confidence in religious leaders. This number includes Catholics, Protestants and other religious groups. Among these, white evangelicals have been found to trust their religious leaders more than others. 78 percent of white evangelicals have said they either have a great deal of confidence or a fair amount of confidence in religious leaders. This is followed by black Protestants at 71 percent and white Catholics at 67 percent. Only 52 percent Hispanic Catholics trust their religious leaders. This is the least of the religious groups.

Those who are not affiliated to any religious group said they are not confident in religious leaders. 75 percent of unaffiliated or religious nones have indicated they do not believe religious work for public welfare. Interestingly, exactly half of the atheists believe religious leaders have public interest in their agenda. No atheist said that they have a great deal of confidence in religious leaders, however, whereas 1 percent agnostics and 4 percent unaffiliated have indicated the same.


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