Raelians Set Out to Prove There’s No Christ in Communion Wafers


Raelians expose “Catholic fraud” with scientific study, demonstrate that host wafers are simply bread.

Raelian scientists have recently undertaken DNA testing of host wafers, which is said to prove that transubstantiation of the communion host does not occur. A study published by the Association of Raelian Scientists on October 25 provided DNA analysis of five pieces of Holy Communion wafers after they were said to have undergone transubstantiation through a priest’s blessing.  Their findings concluded that the DNA in the wafer remains wheat DNA after being blessed.  No human DNA (other than that transferred to the wafers through normal handling) was found to be present.

Founded during the 1970s, the Raelian movement centers its beliefs of the Elohim, whom they believe created humans on Earth roughly 25,000 years ago.  The Elohim, as perceived by Raelians, are extraterrestrial humans who created life on Earth.  They deny the existence of a divine being, making them an interesting combination of atheist and creationist; they also believe in relying on scientific study to examine the claims made by various religions.  The spokesperson for the Raelian Movement, Brigitte Boisselier, states that “all scientists should educate the public.”  The movement seeks to expose the supernatural claims held by religions like Catholicism and forward its view that the Elohim will be returning to meet the descendants of the humans they created.

The study authors took great pain to get a hold of five consecrated host wafers from various US-based Catholic churches, admitting that deception was part of the procurement process. They defended their methods of procurement, stating that indoctrination by the Catholic Church has effects, which are lasting and damaging to indoctrinated individuals. The authors emphasize that no unknown human DNA was found in the consecrated wafers, disproving the claims of the Catholic Church that the Holy Communion wafers undergo transubstantiation.


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