S Ahmad Mother's Day

Simple Ways to Improve your Relationship with Your Mom This Mother’s Day

S Ahmad Mother's Day
“Mother and the kids” by stefgeudens1 is licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
This Sunday is special for many of us around the globe. It’s Mother’s Day.

Motherhood is no doubt a selfless and precious relationship which results in an everlasting bond of love. No wonder, emphasis on kind treatment for parents is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an many times. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) made it extra special when he said, “Paradise lies at the feet of the mothers”.

Simple Ways to Improve your Relationship with Your Mom This Mother’s Day[/tweetthis]

As people around the world are getting ready to celebrate Mother’s Day in their own special way, I started thinking about the three possible categories of children.

Belonging to the first category are those children who are living with or near their mothers. They are lucky enough to meet their mothers on a daily or frequent basis.

The second category of children are those who live far away from their mothers who are not able to be with them on this Mother’s Day, just like during most days of the year.

Third is the category of those individuals whose mothers have departed from them and have moved to the next world.

If you belong to the first category, are you thinking of the days when you made your mother sad last year? Why not promise your mother that you will not repeat it? Make a resolution that you will not just be physically near your mother often but actually be with her and there for her.

If you belong to the second category, you can probably promise her this Mother’s Day that you will try to see her more often in years to come.  Despite being far away, you can still try to make her feel that you are with her by caring for her more and finding time to talk to her.

I believe the real meaning of the invaluable relationship of a mother can be very well felt and understood by those in the third category as they know what they are missing.  But you can still make your mothers feel good in many ways, such as by being kind to her dear ones all around the year or doing charity in her name.

If you are in the first category and still value your mother more than an average person in the third category, then you are truly blessed.  If not, you still have time and it’s still not too late. 

Why don’t we all promise a positive change this Mother's Day?  This can be the best gift for a mom and an everlasting one which will bring her happiness every day.  Happy Mother's Day.


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